Magnolia Kobus

At Magnolia Kobus, we immerse ourselves in the world of fashion, with a clear purpose: to allow our beloved clients to offer their own customers the best of the best.

From our corner of creation, we have woven an unbreakable commitment to quality and innovation. Our mission is simple but profound: to create collections that celebrate the contemporary woman, fusing timeless elegance with the latest trends. Each design is a work of art, and poetry on fabric that adapts to any situation and lifestyle. And, what is even more special, each garment carries with it the essence of Spain, manufactured entirely in Spain, with fabrics that speak of quality and patterns that tell a story of artisanal precision. At Magnolia Kobus, every stitch is a verse and every fabric a melody, and it is a pleasure to share this passion for women's fashion with you.

Magnolia Kobus is a Sevillian fashion brand founded by Paula Acevedo, which specializes in fashion for retail professionals in Spain.

We create innovative collections, aimed at today's woman and in line with the latest trends with versatile designs to adapt to any situation.

Each of the dresses we offer are manufactured entirely in Spain with selected top quality fabrics, impeccable patterns and following a meticulous production process.